When Should I See a Dermatologist?

If you need to see a dermatologist in Parsippany, NJ, you can count on our experienced team at Dermatology Associates of Morris. We offer both medical and cosmetic skin treatments and preventative measures, and we are accepting new patients.

You Need a Skin Cancer Screening/Treatment

Your skin is your most substantial organ and skin cancer is the most often diagnosed cancer. This combination means that getting a yearly skin cancer screening should be something you add to your health care plan. Your dermatologist is able to examine places that you can't see with your own self-exams. If any suspicious spots are found, a biopsy will be performed. If treatment is required, we offer Moh's surgery for the precision removal of all types of skin cancer. 

You Have Chronic Skin Conditions

Chronic skin conditions can happen at any age. Babies can suffer from eczema, teens, and adults from acne, adults and the elderly from rosacea, and people of all ages from psoriasis. All of these conditions can be annoying and make you feel self-conscious about your appearance. We will diagnose and offer treatment options for all of the above conditions. Psoriasis responds to phototherapy and is a good option for treatment.  

You Need a Skin Growth Removed

Many different types of skin growths can appear on your skin. It is important that anything looking unusual is removed and tested to determine what is in the cells. If cancer is found in the cells, treatment can begin immediately, which is the best way to have a successful result. 

You Want To Look Younger

Our dermatologist in Parsippany, NJ offers a variety of cosmetic treatments to help you to look the very best that you can. We provide:

Glycolic acid peels -These peels gently remove the top layer of the skin. This can help with acne scars, white and blackheads, and other flaws on your skin. It also helps to diminish fine lines and any skin discoloration you have. It is non-invasive, and you may experience redness for a short time afterward. 

Botox - Botox freezes the muscles that cause wrinkles and can help to make your skin look younger and less wrinkled. The results will be apparent in 3 to 4 days. 

Dermal fillers - If you are someone who likes instant gratification, several types of dermal fillers will give you that. They fill in the wrinkles on your face, and you walk out looking years younger.  

Contact the team at Dermatology Associates of Morris for a dermatologist in Parsippany, NJ. We are a full-service dermatology practice and offer both medical and cosmetic dermatology services. Reach out via our website or on the phone at (973) 335-2560.

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Hours of Operation

Our Regular Schedule

Dermatology Associates of Morris


8:00 am-5:30 pm


8:00 am-5:30 pm


8:00 am-5:30 pm


8:00 am-5:30 pm


8:00 am-4:00 pm


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